Great piece; thank you. Stepping out of victimhood and into agency is exactly what we need to do in the UK. My impression is that, here, only a tiny minority understand that. There's much wailing about "why the government doesn't understand" etc. My only hope is that as things get clearer and clearer, people the realisation will be fast.
thankyou. was inspired by a visit from a friend who is so triggered right now by trump. the outrage was hard on her. she stopped thinking about her agency.
Great piece. Was trying to say some of this yesterday- but it’s hard to get through the addicting rage that some cling to.
It’s does feel addicting. The endless recycling of an emotion, staying place in fear 😧
So much yes, for every sage word. Thank you, Natasha.
thanks love!
Thank you. You have put into words what I have been feeling but have not been able to. Also I love the art.
thanks, the art is all mine ;) and hopefully more will be coming. it's hard times right now when so much is unknown.
Great piece; thank you. Stepping out of victimhood and into agency is exactly what we need to do in the UK. My impression is that, here, only a tiny minority understand that. There's much wailing about "why the government doesn't understand" etc. My only hope is that as things get clearer and clearer, people the realisation will be fast.
thankyou. was inspired by a visit from a friend who is so triggered right now by trump. the outrage was hard on her. she stopped thinking about her agency.