Let’s put our feet on the ground and drop down into the earth and breath. Try to sense the light inside your body, your own particular soul-ar light. Feel into the love inherent in life and then drop your shoulders. Grounding and compassion are the toolkits of the current schizophrenia running rampant.
I’m referring to the need for change and the outrage at change. The desire to live differently and the terror of changing the way we live. And most of all I’m talking about stepping into the agency that recognizes that we all are part of the agreements that are currently in place and have been in place for a long time.
I have known that current agriculture doesn’t work. We produce too much food. We have agreed that having endless choice around what we eat is a necessity. We have agreed that standardized sizing, and standardized hygiene is a must. The infrastructure, storage, shipping, packaging around this demand consumes masses amount of energy which we have agreed is okay.
In this agreement we have sacrificed context of how, what and when we eat and we have denied ourselves connection to place. We essentially hallucinate a reality that doesn’t really exist. The earth is not designed to spit out endless amounts of food irrespective of season and location. Food that doesn’t remain nutritionally viable when grown in a manner that disregards the earth its grown in, the environment it’s grown in. Food that is tortured and medicated and slaughtered without care or respect. Food that doesn’t remain tasty after being stored and packaged. Food that is making us sick.
In turn our bodies really prefer far less food and far more movement to get food. That is how to have a robust immune system that can learn from being sick rather than overcome. We are collectively obese, over fed, under moved and under nourished while being extremely wasteful. We throw away almost a third of what we purchase. We are full of sickness that we cleverly support with our refined and potent medicines. We have high levels of mental illness, anxiety and insomnia. Ironically one of the best ways to comfort ourselves is to be able to go and eat any kind of food, prepared for us in kitchens that throw away 30% of the produce they purchase, at any time, in any place. Often alone and in our cars.
So how do I feel when I see that farms are being threatened? Farmers are being told that they can’t farm? Farmers everywhere are being made bankrupt?
I can now move into education. It’s a similar paragraph to the one above. Our standards are very poor, you can get by with doing almost nothing and graduate. Or our children are too diverse and can do everything to get nowhere. Teachers are extremely unhappy, students either are lost or stressed out and often suicidal. In the USA 60% of high school students are medicated to highly addictive substances. Mostly to focus on sitting still and not causing trouble. Its seems to be mostly an effort to manage bodies and behavior. Every-now and then a hero breaks free and despite all the odds does extremely well which translates into good game play. On the whole the system seems designed to break out spirits.
So how do I feel when I hear that our education system is under attack?
And lastly because I think you understand my drift here and it’s starting to feel pretty depressing let’s move on to the environment.
We have decided that managed environment, farmed environment, harvested environment, grazed environment can be called Natural Land. While celebrating the vast improvements we have made to cleaning up the environment, not directly dumping massive amounts of waste into living bodies we have been quietly harvesting from all those improved water ways and land tracts. Now we have viable harvests again we can keep building cities and supporting agriculture with swaths of forests and water. We can decide that forest is forest even though there is no generational life, the old trees are gone and we manage the harvests. Every-now and then we have a corner of the vast swaths of managed land that is curated to look unmanaged so we can hike, camp and play. We have even decided we know best when it comes to what plants and animals go where and how they interact. We have decimated wilderness for the gods of safety and comfort. We agree that we need to build endless roads and houses and produce endless amounts of food for this god of growth. We despise mining and Elon while using all the tech. And Starlink.
So how do I feel when I hear that the environment is under attack? No shit Sherlock. Anyone who has spent a minute in the great outdoors can tell you that the only thing we need to do for the environment is to leave it the fuck alone. I think 5 years of no commercial fishing off any kind would be an astounding story.
We are in change. And we have a choice about this change. As with any great time of transformation we can use this opportunity to find our agency in this change. This change is asking us to move away from the victimhood of our choices. Of the agreements we have in place. For those of you confused, bewildered and horrified about why anyone would support the instigators behind this change it is this, the change is welcome.
We all know deeply that things need to change. We feel it. It’s making us mad. even though we have happy days and happy moments we know that things are wrong. The systems in place are mad.
Change is happening with no good plan of action.
And while I understand the overwhelm and the fear and the outrage I’m not that triggered. I feel like I have a slight edge. Along with many others I almost lost my mind 4 years ago when covid policies were being rolled out. Back then I witnessed:
Laws being overridden and information corrupted. No clear information1. Gross civil liberties being infringed upon. People bending over backwards to do nonsensical things. Nefarious money laundering schemes enacted under our noses. A strangely premeditated aspect like a game plan had been written. The rich became so much richer and the poor became poorer. Families divided and communities broken. Spiritual rights attacked. People on mass losing jobs and rights. Gross medical misconduct being performed. Economical opportunities extinguished. Poverty enforced. Small businesses and creativity actively attacked and now decimated. Agency not allowed.
Most of all, if you questioned any of this you were immediately mislabeled. You were considered an idiot and an outcast. You were told to follow the science.
What are we being told to follow this time? Our great leader? The politics? The great vision? The way to make America great so we can become what? Rich? So we can eat whenever we want and go to wherever we want and hang out doing whatever we want?
So we can feel safe? Tell me. What does safe mean to you? Because if it means changing other peoples behavior to accommodate your needs then I would remind you that that isn’t safety. That is control.
The thing about agency is if you want it for yourself then you have to want it for everyone else as well.
I would have us consider that the feelings around being safe are feeling you belong. Feeling you are wanted. Feeling that you are cared for by people who see you and love you. Feeling the care you give to others. Feeling that you are meaningful. Feeling that you are worthwhile and contribute. Feeling that you matter. Feeling that you can provide. Feeling that you are respectful. Feeling your dignity.
That might make you feel safer.
So during this time of change, when we are at the brink of many collapses I ask you:
What do you want? How do you want to change? What agreements do you want to put in place? What agreements do you want to be part of?
Remember the outrage is orchestrated. Nothing new is going on here. This is a simple story of greed. Taking more than we need. So in this great time of change ask yourself, what does your place and people tell you? What do the spirits say? And how do you want to live with them?
One of the best things about living on this earth is that we have the greatest guide here at our footsteps. In trying to answer these questions, trying to figure out how to be part of the harmony that is our living world we can at any time simply look down and look up and feel the connecting rod that we are. Pulsating between the earth and the sky. Feeling our birthright. We have place to guide us, the very land that supports us in the here and now. The earth under our actual feet that we call home.
We can feel the shape of the land around us. We can see where the water is and how it flows. We can see how the weather comes and goes and what grows in abundance, what grows in scarcity. For anyone who feels at a loss, for those who dont know how to have agency, who dont know what matters, ask the earth that supports you. The earth knows. Where you are in place knows and the best way to connect into this vast wisdom house is to take your hands and put them in the earth. Start working with the earth while you feel into what change means for you and your people. It will tell you what you need to support yourself. It will tell you how it provides for essential life. What you need to sustain life around you. What you need to be busy with, what needs your attention.
I thought about putting links in here. but its pointless. i could write a book with all the data proving all sides of the arguments around how covid was a massive threat to public health or how this whole manufactured virus was a complete psyops in control. its even actually impossible to get a death count from covid. I have reams of court ordered information proving that covid deaths were falsely reported as well as first hand accounts and then peer reviewed papers with scientific studies but in the end does it actually matter? you know what you know. Ultimately we are going to find the answer that suits our situation.
Great piece; thank you. Stepping out of victimhood and into agency is exactly what we need to do in the UK. My impression is that, here, only a tiny minority understand that. There's much wailing about "why the government doesn't understand" etc. My only hope is that as things get clearer and clearer, people the realisation will be fast.
Thank you. You have put into words what I have been feeling but have not been able to. Also I love the art.