Greetings lovelies, its been a while but lately I have struggled to find places of interest and that means I am reluctant to share. I have many thoughts that flow by but the hooks are slippery, I want to grab on but the feeling disappears and my focus slides around lack luster. While in my woman’s group the other night I was asked to look at some places inside me that I just didn’t want to go to and the same thing happened, probably because there is some sort of scary out of control feeling down there, my attention just slid right around and it occurred to me then that this is probably where the lack of interest stems from. I did manage to crawl through the panic and get to an I don’t know while trying to feel where the resistance was. Which is a start. And I also became slightly more interested and then thought of you all, dear readers and my irregular schedule of communique especially as there has been a slew of requests from clients around a nasty cough and cold thats making the rounds so I want to share a simple herbal protocol as well as some of what I have been finding fascinating, sad and joyful over the last month.
So a bunch of folks I know have been suffering from what feels like the endless cough and maybe flu but never quite getting to a place of being really sick or really well and mostly getting fed up with feeling like crap.….which is an issue within itself as we are quite capable of carrying on as normal thanks to all the Demands which tends to exasperate and drag out illness. So yes I am sure you are all aware that rest is what can help most and at the very least if you can take a weekend to stay in bed please do. We have some divine mind mush out there right now, what with the great British baking show done so you can binge watch it while you loll restlessly around and also that epic and ultimate in British propaganda series 5 of The Crown done in true old school BBC like fashion. So go for it.
Meanwhile (and this is very important ) order online or go into your co-op or even better contact me in the comments below for a 1oz bottle of elecampane tincture and while your at it also send someone willing to pick or purchase a couple of handfuls of fresh thyme. Meanwhile take about 3 dropperfuls of the elecampane tincture daily for a week to address the low lying and persistent lung infection that is at the base of this malaise and give yourself the ultimate helping hand be participating in one of the greatest modern (sic) medical inventions, the respiratory steam.
Proceed to fill a large bowl with boiling water, stirring in 2 teaspoons of fresh thyme which you then hover your face over in billows of steam while throwing a towel over your head and making a curtain around you and the bowl creating a universe of hot fog and you. Spend 10 mins breathing in the fragrant vapor. At least 2 x a day. And yes it’s time consuming and an effort and you drip and leak and everything runs out of you. But that is the point and you can put on an audio book. Such as Naomi Novik’s final trilogy The Golden Enclave….how exciting….And it is very affordable in that way that thyme can be when you stop pricing your hours.
Do this for four days and email me your progress (or not). Its been a successful protocol so far, even though we are all wildly different (personally I loooove the taste of elecampane) so I would love to hear your about your experiences - like a clients here, via txt the other day…
And yes we all have busy lives filled full of responsibilities etc. but its becoming clearer and clearer that those responsibilities are often not even our own. A lot of them, on deep thought and contemplation, (which we don’t have time to do) are almost exactly the opposite, ways to avoid ourselves on the daily. I say this as I am living in conventional convenience and comfort for the first time in about 8 years, having moved from my little earth house to a condo! while I wait for the auspices to align our relocation to wilderness. Used to grounding, centering and boundering myself and my self driven schedule with the ongoing needs of chopping wood, carrying water and garden duties etc, suddenly being surrounded by a dishwasher and heat that just takes a switch I find I am somewhat discombobulated by the convenience and am often left to wonder what to do. (even though I have a list!)
It feels Aimless, unpunctuated by my previous rhythm of tasks that were clearly in place to provide for me and that I had a divine relationship with. It may seem like a chore to have to light a fire until that fire lighting becomes itself a practice of being within relationship with something other than self, other than human while informing you fully on your humanity.
And not to say that we can’t transcend and create meaningful moments with dishwasher stacking however transcending anything takes energy. I seem to know what tasks feel simple and those relationships tend to resonate far more easily for me.
Right now my greatest relationship in the comfort of the condo is with the internet and I have to say, how it provides for me feels exhausting. It’s a familiar feeling to the convenience of readily available food - For sure I make lovely meals with this blessing of nourishment, but I’m not happy or grateful for this convenience. The whole process is surrounded in a miasma of exhaustion even down to the months old age of the “organic” plant based? product I am buying and trying not to eat too much of.
But I didn’t come here to bitch, even though its so easy, I came to share the wonders of glorious elecampane and her majesty in extracting infection from our beautiful lungs who do so well in deciding what to take in and let out and remind you all that the simple tech of steams still work and that Thyme is loyal to the adage, you can never have enough of it.
to recap:
1-3 dropperfuls of Elecampane tincture through out the day for a week. (If you are prudent or sensitive do what you always do with new foods and medicines, start small, say 1/2 a dropperful and increase throughout the day checking in with your body)
2 teaspoons fresh thyme in a large bowl of boiling water for a 10 minute steam, twice a day, for at least 5 days
Note: this is a protocol for the cold that has a not very productive but annoying cough that goes on for ever and sometimes can be very overwhelming like you want to puke, accompanied by general feeling of “I feel like shit” and do I have the flu? not enough to not go into work” while managing to spit out the occasional yellow green lugy cold thats going around.
Also think what it means to not be able to bring stuff up….the wonders of our miraculous bodies and how we interface with the field is that there are many layers and meanings. So while you’re struggling its a good time to consider whats in the resistance and what is it trying to communicate and where do you meet it.
Things that brought tears to my eyes in various ways was this beautiful Red Hand Files from Nick Cave, touching on how loss effects us all.
This SM video of a baby beaver trying to do its work which just fills my heart with dread and despair at how we all still try so hard to do what we know how to do even when we have been thrown into the most strange and unnatural of circumstances
Being part of Mathew Crawfords community especially while FTX is burning down the house. Far more smarter persons have written about this, mostly on twitter and here are some good threads and memes, especially the “if you don’t hold your keys you don’t hold your Crypto”.
One of the best eyes around this on twitter: Autism Capital
the cynical view:
the now infamous commercial with Larry Davis (this is the universe at its most ironic):
a deep dive into how we got here:
And a good overall look at what went down:
This isn’t just a financial scam, this is key in the current vying for power about how we control the movement of wealth, and therein value. It’s a big moment, so vag1 up folks and get over the learning curve of peer to peer finances and payments. We will be needing it in the future. Both government issued digital currency - CBDC and decentralized digital currency, bitcoin, have the advantage of being completely transparent yet the nexus of control is in a very different place. Personally I believe the rule over system is not working, (evidently) and we need self regulation to not only create awareness in ourselves but in how we relate to place and resources. Remember, decentralized coin is still in the video phone stage of the timeline, however full streaming tech is just round the corner and doesn’t have to involve the shady elite but can remain open source. We are on the final trilogy of lord of the rings here, so decide which camp to set up base in.
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And as always this remains a free newsletter from my hearth to yours, comments shares and interest is very welcome…
Thats all for now Lovelies,
in homage to this great quote from Betty - "Why do people say "grow some balls"? Balls are weak and sensitive. If you wanna be tough, grow a vagina. Those things can take a pounding." ― Betty White
This may be my favorite article from you. Wait, didn't I say that last time?
Love, love love your writing. And I'm not just saying that to butter you up. It truly is a joy to read. Every time!
Hi Natasha, having read your article I ordered some Elecampane, did the thyme inhalation once, and then sort of forgot about this. I made myself thyme and rosemary tea with some manuka honey and had Elecampane in water 3 x day. Initially I coughed more, more chesty. Read in my old herbal book how good this herb is at clearing mucous and infection, so I persevered. I am much better already. Wonder if Elecampane is OK to for my husband who takes heart medications for AF, so an anticoagulant and a heart rhythm medication? He suffers form the same debilitating cough. We both had covid a month ago, recovered from this, stopped coughing and then caught another cold with cough... Not sure this is the pace to contact you with these details. Anyway thanks for another good Newsletter. I am interested also about the slippery places inside us, and how the more natural tasks bring so much meaning and comfort. All best wishes,