Can’t wait for the detox nettles provide. Thanks for showing us the apple J vitamix tech that is truly an electrifying tonic.

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i live in the south western part of the US. we have no nettle. but a dear friend brings loads of it each spring from the west coast. i lay them out on my kitchen table to dry and crunch them into giant jars to put up for our long dry winters. nettles restored my blood bones and hair while peru menopause attempted to drain me of all the good 😂. i ♥️♥️♥️ nettle. i’ve stumbled into them in the south of france. wandered in the forests of northern cali looking for them. nettles is my strongest ally of all. and ps: have you seen the movie THE NETTLE DRESS!?!

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I haven't seen the whole movie, but saw the trailers and yes who wouldn't want a nettle dress! glad the nettles do so much for you! I have found nettle in Nevada but thats about as far down as I've really looked. They had a crazy sting and were packed with seeds. no idea of the sub genus. thanks for reading and listening.

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