Greetings lovelies, and from a far flung shore I wave as I have been busy elsewhere for the last year or so, busy coming home.
Ive moved, said good bye to 15 yer old harvesting stands, lived in a condo with a job, remodeled and completely fixed up an old studio, lived wild on the land, become a long distance parent, discovered a whole new family, spent tons of time in another country. Finished a 3 year long apprentice of journeying into the lower and upper realms to become a better healer and well lets just say I’m getting ready to spill the beans on a hell of alot of whats been going on in my life and why dear reader, I have been lackluster in sharing this all with you.
Ive had some new subscribers here of late so this is just a short reintroduction of who I am and what I’m up and how that also involves writing.
Most of my teaching is about coming home, as its been a life long work and first and foremost, it means embracing the body, the soul, the heart, the mind. It means finding that place of belonging. I’ve been lucky enough to have been shown the way home through the spirit and voices of the plants, their songs and their medicine and how that gradually led me to be able to be present in this limiting yet endless body that I call home.
Some of my favorite pieces are:
Knives on a plane - about getting along with each other in times of stress and how I failed dismally
Do we have a Choice? - the occasional rant about how I feel we can shift into better alignment
My writing generally consists of the stories that the plants share with me and being in relationship with plants. Belonging and being in connection has profoundly healed me and helped on the path that I walk in the world. Has opened doors of healing so that I can tend connection with all that is around me including you dear reader.
And what I would like to focus on now is how my personal story and the stories of the plants that I tell intertwine and come together. It’s not easy for me to be messy this way, to speak of my experiences and not just opinions. And I’m going to need your help. So I am asking for your attention, your expertise and your advice as I start to publish the excerpts that will hopefully infold to some kind of book out here over the next year.
As always these posts remain free and anyone is allowed to comment. I am though looking for some interaction and will probably be baiting the hook with special offerings, potions, elixirs and the like for a folks who take the time to give feedback and your considered attention. And for those folks who subscribe I am forever grateful - the support is what helps me feel that I have something to offer and that taking the time to heed the muse and share what’s in my heart is worthwhile and I thank you deeply.
Ready for your experiences and not just your opinions. ;)
I wish we could sit down over a cuppa and chat! you have lovely vibes.
Hugs, and Cheers.