Over the last five years my relationship with the news has changed. My old outlets, which in my mind had a pretty diverse base, started to dumb down. Rather like our old growth forests, the giants of investigate reporting fell down to make way for monoculture tree farms with social media as the ongoing weeds of divergent and wildly irregular realities.
But it didn’t matter much until it did, two years ago, when knowing what was going on became well, more relevant, more immediate. Thats when I became a convert of the Newsletter format and found places like Substack (the platform that hosts this) where I can have access to a “broadsheet” of fine investigative journalism as well as professional tips, expert advice, cultural explorations all delivered into my inbox. And now there’s also me, talking to the plants and thinking about what it is to live in place.
So for those of you who signed up to this when it was a mailing list while I was teaching at herbal conferences, holding the herbal salons and the Green Gathering, you might be wondering whats going on. And for those of you who found me on Substack welcome to Updates from the Undergrowth!
It’s a different format, it’s experiential and I kick it off tomorrow!
Having not taught in person classes, gone to conferences or even really mingled for quite a long time now I hope that you’re as excited as I am to be part of this newsletter. Once a week Updates from the Undergrowth will appear in your inbox filled with a mix of herbal anecdotes, plant meditations, art, insights and essays - every Tuesday.
I will pass on my special herbal tips, resources and notes of interest. These will be short but I will try to share a heartfelt essay, often reflecting on the eros of the people, myself and the transformation that blooms from discourse and engagement once a month. One thing I won’t be doing is selling you things. Class announcements and happenings will be available to find on my website.
I’m hoping to build an experience with you, just as I have managed to find community with other writers on Substack, and am excited to officially welcome you into my community.
Tomorrow I will be celebrating Spring, meditating with Stinging Nettle and am excited to hear what you think. For those of you who arrived here by accident I hope that it will give you a good enough taste of whats on offer to stick around and for those who know me well, I’m glad to be back!